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First published Tuesday 16 July 2019.

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About Telethon Kids Institute

Telethon Kids Institute is one of the largest and most successful medical research institutes in Australia. We've created a bold blueprint that brings together community, researchers, practitioners, policy makers and funders, who share our vision to improve the health and wellbeing of children through excellence in research.

The Institute is headed by leading paediatrician and infectious diseases expert Professor Jonathan Carapetis, with Founding Director Professor Fiona Stanley now Patron.

Telethon Kids is independent and not-for-profit. The majority of funding comes from our success in winning national and international competitive research grants.  We also receive significant philanthropic support from corporate Australia and the community.

About Autism CRC

Autism CRC was established in 2013 and is the world’s first national, cooperative research effort focused on autism.  Autism CRC’s vision is to see autistic people empowered to discover and use their diverse strengths and interests. Its program takes a whole-of-life view, from diagnosis and the early years to the school years and into adult life. Autism CRC provides the national capacity to develop and deliver evidence-based outcomes through its unique collaboration with the autism community, research organisations, industry and government. Currently, Autism CRC has 55 participant organisations and other partners based around Australia and internationally. Autism CRC is committed to inclusive research practices and co-production of outcomes with those on the spectrum and their families. For more information, visit