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First published Monday 15 March 2021.

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About the Raine Study

Based in Perth, Western Australia, the Raine Study is one of the largest and longest-running studies of human health from pregnancy through childhood, adolescence and adulthood to be carried out anywhere in the world.

A total of 2,900 pregnant women were recruited by the Raine Study between 1989 and 1991, and 2,868 live births were entered into the cohort. These children, their parents, grandparents and now their own children form this unique multi-generational study, which has been helping researchers and policy makers better understand the causes of human health and well-being for more than 30 years.

The Raine Study is a joint venture between The University of Western Australia, Curtin University, Telethon Kids Institute, Women and Infants Research Foundation, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and The University of Notre Dame Australia. Flinders University in South Australia and Newcastle University in New South Wales are Institutional Partners. The study receives additional funding support from the Raine Medical Research Foundation and National Health and Medical Research Council.