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  • CF is the most common chronic, life-shortening genetic condition affecting young Australians. About 1 in 25 people carry a CF-causing gene, resulting in about 1 in 2,500 babies being born with the disease.
  • People with CF are prone to serious lung infections which resist standard antibiotic treatment.

  • Bacteriophage, or phage – also known as ‘superhero viruses’ – are like microscopic armies which have the ability to multiply to destroy harmful bacteria.
  • The team will continue to isolate and expand its phage bank to include new bugs of interest, including Burkholderia, Acinetobacter and Stenotrophomonas.
  • Team members will continue to identify and start treatment of local cases on a compassionate basis, and are working on plans to establish a small-scale phage production facility which, pending funding, they hope to have up and running within the next 12 months.
Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre team members

Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre team members