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Director, Research

PhD, BSc (OT)

Professor Elliott commenced as the Director of Research at the Telethon Kids Institute in 2020.  Her leadership role brings people together to work collaboratively to elevate the research excellence to improve the health and development of children.  Prior to starting at the Institute she was the Professorial Chair of Allied Health and Kids Rehab at Curtin University and the Child and Adolescent Health Services of Western Australia.

Professor Elliott brings experience in executive leadership and organizational management, consumer involvement, commercialisation and innovation, research as well as health and disability service delivery.

Professor Elliott has always been passionate about improving the outcomes for babies and children who have neurological impairment. After working as a senior occupational therapist at Perth Children’s Hospital for more than a decade, she became curious about the evidence behind the interventions delivered to children and became motivated for children with cerebral palsy to receive clinical services based on the best available evidence.

Determined to make sure that the right intervention occurs at the right time, Professor Elliott invests her time in two main areas of research: supporting clinicians working in hospital and community settings to use the latest science in their clinical practice to improve outcomes for children and their families; and developing new evidence-based treatments impact to improve the functioning of children with cerebral palsy and other neurological conditions.  She is a chief investigator on over six NHMRC clinical trials or cohort studies and one NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in the area of cerebral palsy.  Catherine supervises and mentors a large number of doctoral students, post-doctoral staff and researchers.

She maintains a strong belief in actively engaging consumers in all aspects of her research so that their lived experience guides the research process.

Professor Elliott is currently the Chair of Kids Rehab at Child Adolescent Health Services (CAHS) and a Professor in the School of Allied Health at Curtin University.

Catherine is supported by her husband, two boys and her border collie Jess.