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July 2024

Widespread haemorrhages in infants post-shunting (WHIPS): clinical features, risk factors and neuroimaging characteristics of a rare and under-recognised phenomenon

Infants undergoing CSF shunting procedures face a rare complication which we propose to rename "Widespread Haemorrhages in Infants Post-Shunting" (WHIPS) to better capture this unique phenomenon specific to infants undergoing CSF diversion. Our objective is to analyse the risk factors for WHIPS development and provide a detailed neuroradiological description of these haemorrhages.

Published research Child and adolescent health
July 2024

Airway management in neonates and infants: Recommendations according to the ESAIC/BJA guidelines

Securing an airway enables the oxygenation and ventilation of the lungs and is a potentially life-saving medical procedure. Adverse and critical events are common during airway management, particularly in neonates and infants. The multifactorial reasons for this include patient-dependent, user-dependent and also external factors.

Published research Perioperative Medicine Paediatric anaesthesia
June 2024

qPCR assay optimisation for a clinical study comparing oral health risk in Rett syndrome

This study aimed to validate qPCR assays for specific microbiota, for use on dental plaque samples stored on Whatman FTA cards to compare relative oral health risk in Rett syndrome.

Published research Rett Syndrome Child Disability Child disability
July 2024

Trans Young People’s Experiences of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury

Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is particularly common among trans young people. Trans young people tend to experience high levels of emotional distress due to the unique stressors they face, and often use NSSI as an emotion regulation strategy. These stressors include gender dysphoria, body image concerns, and transphobic experiences.

Published research Gender Diversity Youth Mental Health Youth mental health

Associate Professor Glenn Pearson

Director of First Nations Strategy and Leadership

BA (Education) PhD Candidate

Professor Ben Jackson

Research Theme Head, Brain and Behaviour

BSc (Hons) PhD

Liz Davis

Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases Research Focus Area; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research


Professor Jane Pillow

Research Theme Head, Early Environment; Team Lead, Chronobiology

BMedSci (Dist) MBBS, PhD (Dist) FRACP