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The ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course (Life Course Centre or LCC) is investigating the critical factors underlying disadvantage to provide life-changing solutions for policy and service delivery. We aim to identify the drivers of disadvantage, characterised by the spread of social and economic poverty within families and across generations, and to develop innovative solutions to reduce disadvantage

The Life Course Centre is a national centre funded by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence Scheme. Hosted through the University of Queensland, the University of Western Australia is one of the collaborating Universities that comprise the centre. Staff at the Telethon Kids Institute and UWA participate in a range of funded projects with the Life Course Centre.

June 2024

Where are the alcohol advertising hotspots near schools?

Physically locating liquor stores near schools can strongly influence the chances of youth accessing and consuming alcohol, and may also increase children's exposure to alcohol advertising. Investigating the association between the presence of a liquor store near a school and the prevalence of outdoor alcohol advertising is crucial from a policy perspective, as it can inform future regulations on the placement of liquor stores and outdoor advertising near educational institutions. 

Published research Human Development and Community Wellbeing Child Physical Activity, Health and Development
June 2024

Prolonged Grief Disorder, but Not Death From COVID-19, Elicits Public Stigma: A Vignette-Based Experiment

We investigated the effects of cause of death (COVID-19 with an underlying medical condition vs. without) and prolonged grief disorder status (PGD present or absent) on participants' reported public stigma towards the bereaved.

Published research Human Development and Community Wellbeing COVID-19
June 2024

Perspectives on the essential skills of healthcare decision making in children and adolescents with intellectual disability

Involvement in healthcare decisions is associated with better health outcomes for patients. For children and adolescents with intellectual disability, parents and healthcare professionals need to balance listening to a child's wishes with the responsibility of keeping them safe. 

Published research Human Development and Community Wellbeing Child Disability Child disability
June 2024

Parents’ attitudes towards the No Jab No Play legislation in Western Australia: a mixed methods study

Mandates provide a relatively cost-effective strategy to increase vaccinate rates. Since 2014, five Australian states have implemented No Jab No Play (NJPlay) policies that require children to be fully immunised to attend early childhood education and childcare services. In Western Australia, where this study was conducted, NJNPlay legislation was enacted in 2019. 

Published research Early Childhood Development Immunisation Human Development and Community Wellbeing School Attendance

Working together to improve Cyber Safety


Top ten tips for cyber safety


Beacon Cyber Safety App


How to respond if your child is being bullied


Why you shouldn’t let your child cross the road until they’re ten years of age