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Ear Health Program

Djaalinj Waakinj

Ear Health team student Alumni

  • Cheryl Da Costa, MD
  • Hrehan Hakeem, MD
  • Symone Ishak, Honours
  • Emily Furness, Honours
  • Elizabeth Weeda, MD
  • Ann Thomas, MD
  • Caroline Fanning, MClinAud
  • Bernice Ong, MClinAud
  • Holly Richmond, Honours
  • Sarah Firns, MClinAud
  • Tara Prentice, MClinAud
  • Vaishali Varsana, MClinAud
  • Samantha Pan, MClinAud
  • Courtney Zoughby, MClinAud
  • Jacinta Lim, MClinAud
  • Kerry Majid, MClinAud
  • Tess Anderson, MClinAud
  • Tara Pratarelli, MClinAud
  • Farima Oladi, MClinAud
  • Luke Austin, MClinAud
  • Elena Montgomery, Princeton Global Health Certificate
  • Amy Neville, BSc. Speech Path. (Honours)
  • Nalani Gleeson, BSc. Speech Path. (Honours)
  • Brianna Lewis, BSc. Speech Path. (Honours)
  • Danielle Hooper, BSc. Speech Path. (Honours)
  • Dr Babatunde Oremulé, Turing Scholar Placement
  • Eman Alenezi, PhD


June 2024

Risk of otitis media in offspring following maternal prenatal stress exposure

There is limited but consistent evidence that suggests prenatal factors, including maternal stress, may contribute to susceptibility for otitis media. We aimed to determine the effect of multiple life stress events during pregnancy on risk of acute and recurrent otitis media in offspring at three and five years of age. 

Published research Ear Infections Child Disability Ear Health Youth Mental Health Subsite: Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Maternal health
July 2024

Geographical migration and fitness dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia and meningitis worldwide. Many different serotypes co-circulate endemically in any one location. The extent and mechanisms of spread and vaccine-driven changes in fitness and antimicrobial resistance remain largely unquantified.

Published research Immunisation Skin Infections Infectious Diseases Ear Health Subsite: Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Immune system Child and adolescent health
June 2024

Hearing loss in Australian First Nations children at 6-monthly assessments from age 12 to 36 months: Secondary outcomes from randomised controlled trials of novel pneumococcal conjugate vaccine schedules

In Australian remote communities, First Nations children with otitis media (OM)-related hearing loss are disproportionately at risk of developmental delay and poor school performance, compared to those with normal hearing. Our objective was to compare OM-related hearing loss in children randomised to one of 2 pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) formulations.

Published research Ear Infections Immunisation Infectious Diseases Ear Health Subsite: END RHD
April 2024

Chronic suppurative otitis media

Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a leading global cause of potentially preventable hearing loss in children and adults, associated with socioeconomic deprivation. There is an absence of consensus on the definition of CSOM, which complicates efforts for prevention, treatment, and monitoring.

Published research Ear Infections Ear Health